Students Helping Students
Snow Canyon High School student, Marshal Simmons, noticed that several fellow students in his special needs classroom did not have proper desks for their needs. Four students in his class had desks that would not allow them to pull their wheelchair up under the desk. Marshall decided to take matters into his own hands and contacted the the Lodge for assistance. After checking with the school and the Washington County School District, it was discovered the school district was aware of the situation, but had determined special desks were an unnecessary expense. Marshal and the Elks Lodge did not agree with their assessment. Therefore, the Elks Lodge presented Marshal and special education coordinator, Rod Lindford, with a check to allow Snow Canyon High School to purchase four handicap classroom desks that are adjustable to accommodate wheelchairs. |
These desks will be used for wheelchair bound students attending Snow Canyon High School this year and years to come. As the check was presented to Marshall, he was congratulated on his concern for his fellow students and persistence in acquiring the funds to correct a poor learning environment.