Committee Chair
The goal and ambition of the Americanism Committee is to quicken the spirit of American patriotism and to stimulate an awareness and a genuine feeling of pride and respect toward patriotism and our Nation. Each year Grand Lodge provides a different essay theme for students in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade levels .
Local Lodges mail out the Essay Theme and entry rules to the local schools. Essays are returned to the Lodge for judging. The Judging Criteria consists of originality, development of theme, and mechanics and neatness.
The judges select the top Three essays from the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades essays to be awarded a certificate of accomplishment and a monetary award. Then the first-place winner from each grade will be sent to the State Americanism Chairperson for judging. The state first-place winners from each grade go on to the Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge then selects the National first, second and third place winners from each grade.
Local Lodges mail out the Essay Theme and entry rules to the local schools. Essays are returned to the Lodge for judging. The Judging Criteria consists of originality, development of theme, and mechanics and neatness.
The judges select the top Three essays from the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades essays to be awarded a certificate of accomplishment and a monetary award. Then the first-place winner from each grade will be sent to the State Americanism Chairperson for judging. The state first-place winners from each grade go on to the Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge then selects the National first, second and third place winners from each grade.