1. Pick up a Special Event Contract form packet from the Bar and Kitchen Manager. Fill out this form with your information, as prescribed below, and return it to the manager for submission to the House Committee for approval. This form should be in their hands 30 -to 45 days prior to your date. Fill out the rest of the papers at the conclusion of the event.
2. What pertinent information the form needs:
a. Date
b. Time period from start to finish including your set up time.
c. Room request. If you also need the 19th hole you must reserve it.
d. Fill in name of activity and all special instructions.
e. Follow all other instructions.
3. Promotion and advertising:
a. After your date has been approved contact Barbara McConnell before you put a poster in the Lobby. You may also put table tents out.
b. If you will be selling tickets for admission our anything else for your event, you MUST GET PRIOR APPROVAL from the House Committee.
c.. Contact Jon Thompson to put advertising and or an article in the newsletter. Do this immediately. This is your best form of advertising.
2. Day of event: If you will need a bank for your event, check with the Lodge Secretary.
3. At the conclusion of the event:
Two people count the money collected, add up all receipts, both sign the report then roll it in the Bar managers safe. All money collected stays in the Lodge.
4. Charity Hours Sheet: Make sure you have a charity hour's sheet for all your help to sign. Count all your participants at the event. You should have your own separate sheet to log all hours, miles and costs you put in for this event. Log a phone call, time at the computer, shopping, committee meetings and what ever else you may do.
It would be beneficial for you to have a budget for your event. You can not expect money from other Lodge sources Keep a paper trail so it will be easier to fill out the final Event Results sheet. Tum this report into the Lodge Secretary.
Look for these items in your packet:
Special Event Contract
Dixie Elks #1743 Event Results
Charity Hour Sign-up Sheet
1. Pick up a Special Event Contract form packet from the Bar and Kitchen Manager. Fill out this form with your information, as prescribed below, and return it to the manager for submission to the House Committee for approval. This form should be in their hands 30 -to 45 days prior to your date. Fill out the rest of the papers at the conclusion of the event.
2. What pertinent information the form needs:
a. Date
b. Time period from start to finish including your set up time.
c. Room request. If you also need the 19th hole you must reserve it.
d. Fill in name of activity and all special instructions.
e. Follow all other instructions.
3. Promotion and advertising:
a. After your date has been approved contact Barbara McConnell before you put a poster in the Lobby. You may also put table tents out.
b. If you will be selling tickets for admission our anything else for your event, you MUST GET PRIOR APPROVAL from the House Committee.
c.. Contact Jon Thompson to put advertising and or an article in the newsletter. Do this immediately. This is your best form of advertising.
2. Day of event: If you will need a bank for your event, check with the Lodge Secretary.
3. At the conclusion of the event:
Two people count the money collected, add up all receipts, both sign the report then roll it in the Bar managers safe. All money collected stays in the Lodge.
4. Charity Hours Sheet: Make sure you have a charity hour's sheet for all your help to sign. Count all your participants at the event. You should have your own separate sheet to log all hours, miles and costs you put in for this event. Log a phone call, time at the computer, shopping, committee meetings and what ever else you may do.
It would be beneficial for you to have a budget for your event. You can not expect money from other Lodge sources Keep a paper trail so it will be easier to fill out the final Event Results sheet. Tum this report into the Lodge Secretary.
Look for these items in your packet:
Special Event Contract
Dixie Elks #1743 Event Results
Charity Hour Sign-up Sheet